4. Simple Essay Questions

Sample Questions + Topic sentences

Questions related to language, culture, identity

  1. Literature reinforces or challenges our understanding of ordinary situations. Discuss this statement, making detailed reference to your prescribed text.
  2. How has the text you have studied used voice in order to explore the complexities of cultural identity?
  3. ‘Identity is never static. It is always in the making and never made.’ To what extent does the prescribed text represent this notion?
  4. How do texts explore the way that cultural identities can change in time?
  5. In what ways have the texts you have studied explore the role of culture on an individual’s sense of self?

Language and form

  1. How does Lawson’s use of language to convey issues around culture and identity?
  2. Discuss how language is used in your prescribed text to express community identity.
  3. ‘How does your text’s form contribute to the way it captures unique cultural perspectives?
  4. Explain how a text’s form contributes to the way that it captures unique cultural perspectives. In your response, make close reference to your prescribed text.
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