2. Workshop – Synthesise Key ideas

Workshop – Synthesise Key ideas

These tables help you to organise the main ideas across the texts and help you to select relevant evidence. These tables function as a scaffold for the essay paragraphs.

Therefore, there should be multiple perspectives presented about the key ideas. 3 key ideas would be great.

The three how’s should build on each other

o   Select varied evidence from throughout the text

  •  Beginning (orientation, exposition, outset)
  •  Middle (Complication, conflicts, crisis, interstices
  • End (revelations, epiphanies, resolution, catharsis)

Write the concept statements in full sentences. Treat these like topic sentences.You should be able to manipulate the ideas in these tables to answer any unseen question. Test your concept statements by checking that you can answer the sample questions provided.

Your concept statements should be along the lines of:

[what] through [how] and thus [effect on audience, if relevant]

You can have multiple tables for one idea.

Use a variety of techniques (rhythm/rhyme, dialogue, mis-en-scene, language features, narration, stichomythia, antitheses, intertextuality/authorial intrusion, point of view, significance of the title)

Idea 1: [Direct link to the rubric]

Concept statement (Perspective 1): [Does text 1 and text 2 say something different about this general idea 1?]

Link to text:
How 1? 
Impact on the audience:   

Concept statement (Perspective 2):  [Does text 1 and text 2 say something different about this general idea 1?]

Link to text:
How 1? 
Impact on the audience:   
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