0. Persuasive Texts

Persuasive Texts

Discussion – Persuasive Texts

#1 What are persuasive texts?

#2 Features of persuasive texts

#3 What are the pros and cons of persuasive texts?

Discussion – Persuasive Texts

#1 What are persuasive texts?

#2 Features of persuasive texts

#3 What are the pros and cons of persuasive texts?

Use the table below to analyse your prescribed texts

Remember that you are filling out the tables so that you consciously mimic the writer and also so that you are ready for to write the reflection

MODC _ HSC Tables

Text 1:
Key concerns
Structure (Chronological, flashback, narrative perspectives)
Relevant Motifs/Extended metaphor
Describe the Voice/Character/Speaker perspective of their world
Technique  1[name]Evidence[quote]EffectOwn example
Describe the setting/worldspace
Technique  1EvidenceEffectOwn example
Describe the opening scene
Describe the closing scene 
Describe the climax
Technique  1EvidenceEffectOwn example
Describe the writing Style (Syntax)
Technique  1EvidenceEffectOwn example
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