#1 What are persuasive texts?
texts whose primary purpose is to put forward a point of view and persuade a reader, viewer or listener. They form a significant part of modern communication in both print and digital environments. Persuasive texts seek to convince the responder of the strength of an argument or point of view through information, judicious use of evidence, construction of argument,
critical analysis and the use of rhetorical, figurative and emotive language.
They include student essays, debates, arguments, discussions, polemics, advertising, propaganda, influential essays and articles. Persuasive texts may be written, spoken, visual or multimodal.
#2 Features of persuasive texts
▪ Heavy use of rhetorical devices such as pathos, logos, ethos and kairos
▪ Use of both figurative and descriptive language
▪ Knowledge of subject matter
▪ Use of proper evidence
▪ Use of anecdotal references, imagery or metaphor
▪ Explanation, description or justification of the use of specific language or stylistic devices
▪ Draws upon real life experiences and/or draws from wide reading
#3 What are the pros and cons of persuasive texts?
○ Quite similar to an essay in terms of structure and language
○ An opportunity for you to experiment with rhetorical devices
○ If you have a clear and definite opinion about the topic, think of a persuasive text as a well-structured and compelling extended rant
o You need to come up with a convincing argument
o You will need to be familiar with rhetorical devices and how to effectively use them
o You are not writing from your own personal experiences and you are not exercising your imagination