2. Theory – Reflective texts

Discussion – Reflection

#1 How will I be expected to reflect? And what will I reflect on?

  • This composition is different to your discursive, imaginative, informative, persuasive writing. 
  • After you write your discursive, imaginative, persuasive text, you will justify the creative decisions that you have made in your writing. This is your reflection.
  • Explain how at least one of your prescribed texts from module c has influenced your writing style in part (a). In your response, focus on one literary device or stylistic feature that you have used in part (a).

#2 Features of my reflective composition

  • First person to express self-assessment
  • Evaluative language
  • Use of examples (anecdotal references) to justify decisions on the use of specific language or stylistic devices
  • Self-awareness of learning process

#3 How will I prepare for my reflection

  • Analyse prescribed text using the ModC tables
  • Explain how you used the prescribed text as an inspiration to write your own composition
  • Explain how the prescribed text helped you become a better writer
  • Explain the process of writing (brainstorming, editing with peers, discussing ideas)
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