2. Your Turn

Your Turn

How to come up with an extended metaphor

Decide on a tenor and vehicle.

  • The tenor is the thing a metaphor describes.
  • The vehicle is the thing to which the tenor is compared.
  1. Write a summary of each scene on separate pieces of paper.
    Draw a mind map with a summary of each scene
  2. Pick up two scenes. Are there any connections/images that come to mind?
    Can you connect that to a symbol or metaphor?
  3. List different aspects or connotations of the symbol. Do they link to the scenes? These can become your thread to link your extended metaphor.

Find links and comparisons.


How to come up with a motif

  1. Select a key theme, idea, concept, message
  2. Choose an object or concept that is both an integral part of the plot and something the characters can have strong emotions about.ORChoose an object that captures your message (e.g. rose = love. Different states of the rose can be pictured throughout the composition to signify changing emotions or relationships)
  3. Consider whether the characters will interact with the object
  4. Consider how the plot will interact with the object. Consider at least 3 places the symbol will recur in the composition.
    Will the object appear at the beginning and end of the composition?
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