2. Theory – Style and language techniques

Theory – Style and language techniques

  1. How can you describe a writer’s writing style?

How does the writer say what they say? Words to describe tone on the attachment.

  1. What affects a writer’s writing style? (technical, flowery, colloquial, formal, vivid)
  • Favoured figures of speech such as imagery, sensory details, analogies, hyperbole
  • Favoured sound devices such as alliteration, rhyme, onomatopoeia
  • Diction (word choice) – Nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, pronouns, many modifiers (words that modify the noun i.e. adjectives/adverbs), jargon, slang, dialect

On a basic level, you can look at the parts of speech an author uses or favours. Sophisticated  writing is often marked by its reliance on nouns and verbs (over adjectives and adverbs), since  this promotes greater use of detail and figurative language to tell the story.

  • Punctuation
Describe the effectExample
Punctuation and rhythmHe shoots. I run. Beside me, I  hear the bullet zip past. I  duck round a corner. Pounding steps. I leap up,  cling to the wall.
CapitalisationAt which Time he prov’d himself the Noah’s Dove, that  finding himself no Rest anywhere, was receiv’d again  into his own Ark, and brought
  • Wordiness (sentence lengths), Conjunctions and repetition
  • Syntax (sentence structures)
Describe and the effectExample
Simple sentenceI am at home.
Compound sentenceI am at home, and I’m having fun.
Complex sentenceI am at home, even though everyone  else is out.
Loose sentenceI am at home, where it’s comfortable, because I don’t feel  like much company tonight, after  that long day at school.
Periodic sentenceI am, because of that most exhausting day at school, at home  tonight.
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