1. Discussion – Imaginative Texts

Theory – Imaginative Texts

#1 What are imaginative texts?

Definition from NSW K–12 English glossary

texts that represent ideas, feelings and mental images in words or visual images. An imaginative text might use metaphor to translate ideas and feelings into a form that can be communicated effectively to an audience. Imaginative texts also make new connections between established ideas or widely recognised experiences in order to create new ideas and images. Imaginative texts are characterised by originality, freshness and insight.

These texts include novels, traditional tales, poetry, stories, plays, fiction for young adults and children, including picture books and multimodal texts such as film.

#2 Features of imaginative texts

Features of imaginative texts

▪ Figurative and descriptive language

▪ Use of literary techniques such as imagery, metaphors and allusions

▪ Can be written in first person or third person, but avoid second person

▪ Loose and flexible in terms of structure

▪ Can explore either unknown or familiar concepts and ideas

▪ Construction of interesting plot and complex characters

#3 What are the pros and cons of imaginative texts?


○ Do you have a wild imagination? You can make use of it here!

○ You have a lot of freedom as long as you are faithful to the stimulus/question

○ You do not need to worry about analysing anything

○ You may speak of your own experiences or explore new and different experiences and perspectives

○ Thesis statements are not required

○ No need to follow t.e.e.l.


o The amount of freedom you have can be quite intimidating

o Unlike the other text types, imaginative texts can be very unstructured and this can be overwhelming if you need clear direction

o If you are not one to be imaginative, then creative writing could prove to be a struggle for you

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