Discussion – Point of view
When describing point of view, we talk in terms of the grammatical person in which it is narrated (first/second/third) and how much of the events the narrator knows (i.e. do they only know what is happening to one person, or several).
Explain what you know about the terms below.
● Person
Author’s voice and character’s voice
Authors aren’t their characters, but sometimes they can use their characters as vehicles for their own views to shine through. Not all the time, though, and not all characters. Thus, it’s important for the reader to learn to separate these two out.
When it comes to your own writing, you’ll also need to learn how to separate the way you talk and think from how your characters talk and think. After all, realistic characters all have different personalities.
Let’s start thinking about how voice comes through in narrative.
Explain the meaning and examples of the terms below.