1. Discussion – Structure

Structure and composition

Discuss with your tutor what these mean?

Forms of narrative

Prose, Poetry, Letters (epistolary), Diary entries,  Script 


Fantasy, Historical fiction, Romance, Thriller, Mystery, Dystopia, Science fiction 

Elements of narrative

Most narratives follow a basic plot structure. You should have encountered these since primary  school. See if you can explain the elements of narrative to your tutor.

Orientation, Complication, Series of events, Climax, Resolution, Coda 

Spend 3 minutes to brainstorm in the Googledoc


● Linear, Non-linear, Cyclical 

  • How can we start a story?
  • How can we end a story?

What are some other elements to do with composition and structure?

  • Flashback/forward:
  • Intertextuality: 
  • Time jumps: 
  • Foreshadow: 
  • Dramatic irony: 
  • Extended metaphor:
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