2. Discussion – Language Techniques

What makes a good short story: Plot, characters, setting

Language and Techniques

When it comes to story writing, readers aren’t just interested in the plot, characters and setting. The WAY you write is really important too!

It would kind of like if in a movie, all the camera shots were really blurry or shaky! It just ruins the characters, setting and plot! Well poor writing can make your story very dry and boring.

That’s why using different kinds of techniques can really help improve not only your writing style, but also your story overall! This is another opportunity to test and try different things to develop your own unique writing style!

Literary Techniques

PersonificationGives life to the setting, makes it more interesting/vivid.
AlliterationAdds rhythm and emphasizes their association.
AssonanceIt adds rhythm and flow to your sentences.
ContrastIt highlights the disparity between two things.
HyperboleUsed to emphasise the action/description
ImageryCreates vivid image for the reader
IronyHighlights the opposite characteristic/humour
MetaphorIt is a creative way to describe something. It can also help reader imagine it better.
SimileIt is a creative way to describe something. It can also help reader imagine it better.
RepetitionIt emphasizes the word or phrase.
OnomatopoeiaIt helps reader imagine the sound for themselves.

Other Techniques

AllegoryIt translates a complicated idea into a simple story, making it easy for the reader to understand/relate to.
Chekhov’s GunProvides tension/drama. Makes reader want to continue and discover the mystery.
Dramatic IronyAdds tension/drama. Specifically, it makes the reader wonder what will happen when the character finds out.
ForeshadowingHelps link the story together/provides an interesting twist
JuxtapositionEmphasises the difference between the things, or between the thing and the setting.
MotifEmphasises the significance of this thing.
ParagraphingHelps separate your text. Makes it easier for reading. Also can indicate different sections of the story.
PunctuationCan dictate how the reader reads a particular sentence or word.
SymbolismMakes the reader think of/feel something whenever it is mentioned.
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