2. Theory – Discursive Texts

Theory – Discursive Texts

#1 What are discursive texts?

Definition from NSW K–12 English glossary

Discursive texts are those whose primary focus is to explore an idea or a variety of topics. These texts involve the discussion of an idea(s) or opinion(s) without the direct intention of persuading the reader, listener or viewer to adopt any single point of view. Discursive texts can be humorous or serious in tone and can have a formal or informal register. These texts include texts such as feature articles, creative nonfiction, blogs, personal essays, documentaries and speeches.

o Discursive is about exploring a range of perspectives on an argument. You can flicker between two perspectives. Then you unpack these perspectives by using figurative language to express ‘evidence’ for these perspectives in the wider World.

#2 Features of discursive texts

o Explores an issue or an idea and may suggest a position or point of view

o Approaches a topic from different angles and explores themes and issues in a style that balances personal observations with different perspectives

o Uses personal anecdotes and may have a conversational tone

o Primarily uses first person although third person can also be used

o Uses figurative language or may be more factual

o Draws upon real life experiences and/or draws from wide reading

o Uses engaging imagery and language features

o Begins with an event, an anecdote or relevant quote that is then used to explore an dea

o Resolution may be reflective or open-ended

#3 What are the pros and cons of discursive texts?


○ You can be as personal as you want

○ You are able to venture through your own personal thoughts, beliefs and life experiences

○ It can be open-ended

○ You are free to fuse your own personal voice and not necessarily maintain the same formal language as you would use in an essay


o The freedom you have in a discursive text can be intimidating and you might not know where to start

o Structure and language-wise, a discursive text is flexible, but this means that your ideas have to be insightful and complex, while your writing needs to be effective

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