2. Theory Preparing for the Module

Topic 2: Theory

#1 How can we prepare for the module?

  • Understand the rubric requirements as essay questions will be formed from the rubric
  • Understand the authorial intent and context of composer
  • Write 8 concepts Statements that can be manipulated to answer any question
  • Complete 5 detailed concept tables
  • Brainstorm thesis, topic sentences for 5 essay questions
  • Complete at least 2 essays that have been marked by both your tutor and school teacher

#2 How will YK Education help you?

  • We will make sure that you feel comfortable answering a variety of unseen questions
  • In your private lessons, you will learn the theory and receive feedback on your writing and ideas
  • In your workshop lessons, you will synthesise your notes using the workshop document and edit your work based on feedback. 

#3 What’s your responsibility?

  • Be diligent:
    • Complete your homework weekly
    • Edit your work after receiving feedback. Do not simply click ‘accept suggestion’ on GoogleDocs. You may save time in the short term but this does not benefit anyone.
    • Learn the new vocabulary words
    • Memorise literary techniques
  • Think for yourself:
    • We will suggest ideas that support the question but it is up to you to decide which ideas resonate with you most. You must have a clear argument. 

If you try to include all the suggestions that you receive from us, you may end up with an unclear argument which lacks cohesion. (Many students fall into this trap!) At the end of the day, you are presenting an argument so all your ideas must string together to reinforce your point. 

  • Reflect, in your own time, how all the ideas make meaning. Draw mind maps to visualise how the ideas and evidence link together.
  • Engage with the text to form your own opinion.
  • Understand the assessment requirements:
    • How many words/What is the time limit?
    • Ask your school teacher to check your work
    • Communicate those requirements with your tutor
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