3. Workshop – Anthology


  • This anthology is a collection of poems written by Australian poets who are migrants, their children, and refugees. It explores new ways of being Australian by exploring new perspectives by several poets. 
  • Both the context of when the anthology was published and the context of the individual poets will help you understand the intended purpose.

Workshop – Context of when the Anthology was published

The context affects why and what composers write. Similarly, the context has influenced choices in the anthology. 

Do some research.

Historical/Political/Religious Period How has the context influenced the composition?
Political conditions, historical events such as war, was the composer religious? 
Literary Period:(How was literature valued in this period?)How has the context influenced the composition?
Assumptions (Assumed knowledge of audience)How has the context influenced the composition? 

  2. Purpose of the anthology.

Here, we are talking about the purpose so start your sentences with ‘to’. Consider the intended audience!

Target audience is youth and a significant portion of Australian youth identify with Asian ancestry. 

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