4. Theory – Useful Words

2. Useful Words

  1. Define
  2. Use in a sentence
  3. How can we use it in a Henry Lawson essay?
1. Archetypal/archetype
2. Resilience of Mateship
3. Unionism
4. Egalitarianism
5. Anti-authoritarian
6. Irreverent towards social pretension
7. Class solidarity
8. Harshness of rural life
9. Hostile bush/environment
10. Anatomical identity vs culturally created identity
11. Atmosphere of melancholy
12. Monotony
13. Emblematic (of the Australian experience)
14. Desolation
15. Fatalism and stoic endurance
16. Anarchic disorder
17. Preposterous
18. Anarchic absurdity
19. Sardonic resignation
20. Wry, ironic humour
21. Australian vernacular
22. Post colonialism
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