5. Show not tell

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Show not tell – 

Showing not telling- instead of just stating what something is like, demonstrate it to the reader! Compare:

The morning was beautiful.

I looked out to watch the crisp, orange sun rise over the hills. Its warm rays washed over my smiling face. The early morning sunlight glimmered and shattered through the morning mist to form a light show like no other.

What’s the difference between the first and second example?

  1. Uses an adjective. No imagination. No senses.
  2. Uses verbs

Paint an image

Some important things to remember when you’re trying to create a ‘mental’ image for the reader:

1.   Consistent mood (crisp, orange, warm, smiling, glimmered)

2.  Don’t waste/repeat words (sunrise, rays, sunlight, morning mist)

3.  Purposefully alter sentence length

4.  Use the 5 senses to inspire imagery/descriptions (warm)

5.  Use colour imagery/symbolism (orange)

6. Use verbs instead of adjectives (beautiful vs looked out/washed over/glimmered)

Basic example: 

  • Telling is: She was tired.

Showing is: She yawned.

  • Telling is: She is hungry.

Showing is: Her stomach …

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