6. Example questions

Use a general question to prepare for discursive texts. 

You can use one from school or choose one from below.

Example questions

  1. “Composers use unique voices to convey their key concerns.” 

a. Compose an excerpt from a persuasive, discursive or imaginative text that reflects the unique voice of one of your Module C prescribed texts by using the same person and tense to convey a key concern. (12 marks) 

b. Justify how you have appropriated the unique voice of one of the Module C prescribed texts. Ensure that you refer to the use of person and tense. (8 marks)

  1. Guard your roving thoughts with a jealous care, for speech is but the dealer

of thoughts, and every fool can plainly read in your words what is the hour

of your thoughts.

– Alfred lord Tennyson

Use this warning as a stimulus for a piece of persuasive, discursive or imaginative writing that expresses your perspective about a significant concern or idea that you have engaged with in one of your prescribed texts from module a, b or c.

– If you choose to write a discursive text, the first thing you need to do is consider the meaning of the given quote. Here, Tennyson is telling his readers to be wary of talking too much, as we do not want to reveal too much of our thoughts; we should essentially be mindful of what we say. Now, relate Tennyson’s warning to a significant concern, idea or perspective found in one

of your prescribed texts.

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