Example Sentence Starters:
Other useful expressions for the reflection
Useful words
Use the words below in your reflective composition.
Verisimilitude | Definition-‘having the appearance of truth’ Explanation- Verisimilitude can refer to when a creative piece reflects real life (having the appearance of truth) which enhances readerengagement because they can relate your story to real experiences. How do I use it for Mod C?-I have chosen to use (technique) in my discursive/persuasive/imaginative piece to create a sense of verisimilitude. |
Versatility | Definition-The ability of a piece of a creative piece to be impactful in a variety of ways and to a variety of people. Explanation- When a text can be impactful in a variety ways it meansthe writer’s ideas can reach a vast range of people. How do I use it for Mod C?‘Inspired by (prescribed text author’s name) use of allegory, I have integrated allegory in my (imaginative/ discursive) piece to increase the versatility of my work. |
Aesthetics | Definition- a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty. Explanation-In senior English, students are given opportunities to create their own aesthetic features in persuasive and imaginative tasks in order to position readers/audiences. Students are also given opportunities toevaluate the aesthetic features of texts and their effects on reader/audience positioning. This can be done in the expository modeand may involve student reflection on personal emotional and critical responses to texts How do I use it for Mod C?-‘I have used aesthetic elements in my piece to cultivate responderengagement. |
Stylistic feature | Explanation-A stylistic feature refers to the arrangement of the text. You can refer to use of a stylistic feature in your response and relate it tohow you have constructed meaning to convey the ideas of the question. How do I use it for Mod C?-‘Use of the stylistic feature syntax by (insert prescribed text author’sname) has underpinned my choice to integrate syntax and henceallowed me to investigate the way (insert your statement in relation tothe question)’ |
Structure/form | Definition-Structure, or form, is the arrangement of story elements according to purpose, style and genre. Structure doesn’t just happen on it’s own. Rather, it’s carefully considered by the author to make sure their intended meaning is conveyed. Explanation-For example in a discursive piece you may use a two-part or chronological structure or in an imaginative piece you may use an ‘elliptical’ narrative structure. How do I use it for Mod C?-We want to mention what structure you have used always, this should be done in the introduction of your reflection/justification.‘Chronological structure has been incorporated to explore the development of perspectives regarding writing through history.’ |
Recursive | Definition- ‘The process of continually going back to the same parts of a composition to edit them further and construct clearer meaning.’ Explanation-Writing is very much a recursive process. This means that the best writers go back and edit their work many times to make itBetter. How do I use it for Mod C?-This is a great word to use in the end of your paragraphs for your reflection. Acknowledging our work isn’t perfect is very valuable and increases the quality of our reflection. ‘I have, on the whole, used anecdotes effectively. However, in light of therecursive process of writing, further refinement would greatly improvemy work.’ |
Refinement | Definition- The improvement or clarification of something by the making of small changes. Explanation-Refinement is always needed to make our work better. It is through refinement that meaning becomes much clearer. How do I use it for Mod C?-This is used again in the end of your paragraphs when acknowledgingthe slight weaknesses of your piece. ‘This technique has been used well in terms of it’s reflection of (insert prescribed text author’s name) work, however refinement would allow me to more clearly communicate my intended meaning. |
Representation | Definition-the description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way. Explanation-When writing, we will represent many different themes/settings/objects/people etc. How do I use it for Mod C?-‘I have used personification in my representation of public worlds toexplore how they may take over a person’s life.’ Also, when we gain inspiration from/borrow ideas from other prescribed texts we can say we have ‘represented’ those ideas/themes in our text. |
Permeate | Definition-To pass through every part of. Explanation-An idea or representation can pass through every part of a literary piece, making it a key idea. How do I use it for Mod C?-‘I have continually represented the idea of …. To allow it to permeate through my piece’ |
Authority | Definition-An accepted source of information, advice, etc.: Explanation-Drawing from well-known sources can give your ideas authority. Think of using intertextuality from a well-known andaccepted writer for example to back up your own ideas. How do I use it for Mod C?-‘Intertextuality of (insert author’s name) gives my representation of (idea) significant authority by appealing to an accepted perspective on …. |
Alludes to | Definition- To contain a casual or indirect reference to. Explanation-You can allude to an idea in writing to allow the reader to consider it, without forcing them to accept the idea. How do I use it for Mod C?-‘In alluding to… ‘ |
Inspire and evoke emotion | Definition- The power of words to evoke an emotional response in representing something. Explanation- This is a syllabus point. Words have a profound capability to evoke emotion from readers. How do I use it for Mod C?-‘In using … (insert technique) I have intended to evoke an emotional response from the responder. |