Example ideas and concept statements:
Idea: Rediscovery of/Reconnection to cultural identity OR lost cultural identity
1. Storytelling can be a means for the future generations to rediscover their unique cultural identity
2. Visiting another country can become a trigger for rediscovering appreciation for our own culture
Idea 2: Disconnection to cultural identity
1. Disconnection to cultural identity can result in a conflicted sense of cultural identity
2. Individuals may experience conflict between religious and ethinic beliefs
Idea 3: Language as a way to feel a sense of belonging to a community
1. Language can become a means to develop a share a collective cultural experience and a shared identity
2. Language can become a barrier to feeling a sense of belonging
You should be able to manipulate the ideas in these tables to answer all the sample questions.
We would suggest that you backward map the ideas from the sample questions.