Best method to prepare for HSC Trial exams
Step 1: Select a few topics to revise using textbooks to build foundational knowledge
Step 2: Complete a practice exam targeting only those topics that you have already revised
Step 3: Mark the exam and count the score to identify knowledge gaps
Step 4: Revise the weaker topics/types of questions. Ask your tutor for assistance.

YK Education HSC Trial July Preparation Program (3-day program)
1. Students study for the target topics being tested
2. Students complete 2-3 hour practice exams to target particular HSC Maths topics to objectively identify gaps in their knowledge.
3. Get the practice exam marked by us
4. Go through the exam paper and if there is a knowledge gap, then learn from YK tutor during the preceding lesson.
English: Mon 4th, Tue 5th, Wed 13th 9:00am-12:00pm (includes lesson and practice exam)
Maths: Mon 4th, Tue 5th, Wed 13th 12:30-4:30pm (includes lesson and practice exam)
** If these dates do not work with your schedule, we can accommodate so please give us a call to chat about options.
Table of Contents
$50 discount if enrolled and paid before 30th June 2022
HSC Standard Mathematics Trial Exam preparation topics
If there are topics that you will not be tested on during the HSC Maths Trial exam, we will customise the test for your needs.
HSC Maths Practice Exam Topics (Order TBC)
Day 1
- Trigonometry
- Area, Surface Area, Volume
- Rates and Ratio
- Energy
- Time
Algebraic Techniques
- Linear and non-linear relationships
- Formulae and Equations
Day 2
Financial Mathematics
- Annuities
- Investments and Loans
- Depreciation
- Earning and managing money
- Probability
- Bivariate data
- Normal distribution
- Classifying and representing data
Day 3
Networks and Critical Path Analysis
+ Year 12 Maths topics from Day 1 & 2
HSC Advanced Mathematics Trial Exam preparation topics
If there are topics that you will not be tested on during the HSC Maths Trial exam, we will customise the test for your needs.
Day 1
- Graphing techniques
- Transformations
- Applied trigonometry
- Trigonometric Identities
- Graphing trigonometric Functions
Day 2
- Differentiation
- Integration
- Trigonometry and Calculus
- Logs/Exponential and Calculus
- Application including optimisation, curve sketching, rates and motion
Financial Mathematics
- Series and Sequence
- Financial Application
Day 3
Statistical Analysis
- Probability
- Discrete and Continuous probability
- Normal distribution
- Bivariate data
+ Year 12 Maths topics from Day 1 & 2
HSC EALD, Standard, Advanced English Trial Exam preparation topics
1. Students create study notes for the target module to prepare for Trials and external HSC exam
2. Students complete hour practice exams to test their ability to answer unseen questions and check whether their notes are thorough enough
3. Get the compositions marked by us
4. With YK tutor, reflect on how to improve for next time
English: Mon 4th, Tue 5th, Wed 13th 9:00am-12:00pm (includes lesson and practice exam)
Day 1
Test Paper 1
- Short answers on Texts and Human Experiences
- Texts and Human Experiences Essay
Day 2
Test Paper 2
- Mod A
- Mod B
- Mod C
Day 3
Test combination of weaker Modules