Year 11-12 HSC Tutors
Receive a customised learning program and get trained on exam-style questions
for the HSC. Work through the YK-material with your YK-Qualified tutor and gain a
strong understanding of the NSW syllabus.

#1 You learn the Maths topics in the same order as school
Every school has a different topic sequence they follow.
Our individualised lesson plan aligns with each student’s scope and sequence in school, so they can be guided on the relevant topics they need help with the most.
#2 We identify your current ability and customise a program for you
The program will also target their weak areas, and once the foundation is strong we can accelerate the pace to allow the student to be one topic ahead of school for increased understanding when learnt at school.
See more: HSC Year 11 Maths Tutors
Lesson 1- Learn new content
There will be a maximum of 2 students per lesson who will both be working through their individual curriculum Learn new lesson content at your own pace with your YK-tutor through the hybrid model.
Lesson 2 – Workshop Session: Complete exam-style questions and 1-on-1 opportunity to ask questions to YK-tutors
Our individualised lesson plan aligns with each student’s scope and sequence in school, so they can be guided on the relevant topics they need help with the most.
Our YK-tutors will continually assess his or her progress, and adjust the lesson plan and pacing accordingly.
- School Assessment preparation
- YK theory books– Summary notes and example questions
- Exam-style questions– Be exposed to curve-ball questions that they will likely encounter in assessments.
- Revision Quiz
- Homework
See more about our Year 11 HSC MathsTutors
#1 You learn what you need.
It is important to note that depending on the school, the prescribed text is different.
#2 You understand how to study for English
Students spend one term preparing and building up skills to help them face the end-of-term task for the module their school selected with relative ease and confidence.
#3 You will prepare for your school assessment with your tutor
Our individualised program ensures that our students are fully prepared for their school assessments, Trial examinations, and the HSC. We also ensure that their personal needs like grammar and vocabulary are supported.
See more: HSC Year 11 English Tutors
Lesson 1: Private lesson
Students receive individualised attention
- Receive individual feedback on ideas and language
- Get help to plan and prepare for assessments for school
Students learn how to study for English modules
- Study the context of the author
- Expand vocabulary for essays
- Analyse texts
- Develop an argument
- Practice answering essays with exam-style questions
Lesson 2: Workshop Session
- Apply and practise the skills that the students learnt in the lesson
- Put together notes on the prescribed text
Our individualised lesson plan aligns with each student’s scope and sequence in school, so they can be guided on their prescribed text.
Our YK-tutors will continually assess his or her progress, and adjust the lesson plan and pacing accordingly.
- School Assessment preparation
- YK workshop books– Create your own study notes on your prescribed text
- Exam-style questions– Be exposed to a variety of questions to prepare for unseen questions
- Homework – Receive individual feedback on your ideas and language

#1 You learn what you need.
It is important to note that depending on the school, the prescribed text is different.
#2 You understand how to study for English
Students spend one term preparing and building up skills to help them face the end-of-term task for the module their school selected with relative ease and confidence.
#3 You will prepare for your school assessment with your tutor
Our individualised program ensures that our students are fully prepared for their school assessments, Trial examinations, and the HSC. We also ensure that their personal needs like grammar and vocabulary are supported.
Lesson 1: Private lesson
Students receive individualised attention
- Receive individual feedback on ideas and language
- Get help to plan and prepare for assessments for school
Students learn how to study for English modules
- Study the context of the author
- Expand vocabulary for essays
- Analyse texts
- Develop an argument
- Practice answering essays with exam-style questions
Lesson 2: Workshop Session
- Apply and practise the skills that the students learnt in the lesson
- Put together notes on the prescribed text
Our individualised lesson plan aligns with each student’s scope and sequence in school, so they can be guided on their prescribed text.
Our YK-tutors will continually assess his or her progress, and adjust the lesson plan and pacing accordingly.
- School Assessment preparation
- YK workshop books– Create your own study notes on your prescribed text
- Exam-style questions– Be exposed to a variety of questions to prepare for unseen questions
- Homework – Receive individual feedback on your ideas and language

#1 We deliver our classes in Japanese, and English to aid comprehension.
Our lessons are conducted in Japanese whenever possible so students can learn in an authentic environment. Japanese is a communication tool, after all. Our teachers are Bilingual in Japanese and English.
#2 We make sure that you understand so you have full control of the language
In year 11, the YK-Japanese program aims to finish the Year 11 and 12 grammar and kanji.
That way, students can focus on applying the grammar and mastering examination techniques in Year 12.
#3 You will use Japanese
We believe that learning a language is most effective with peers. We focus on applying the learning and using the language between peers. For example, reading and making Japanese recipes, role play conversations in different scenarios, learning Japanese song lyrics.
Speaking and listening skills can only be developed through “doing” in an authentic environment!
We are a strong believer of “Language must be fun!”
#4 You will prepare for your school assessment with your sensei (tutor)
We always leave room in the term program to support students with preparing for school assessment as every school has a different assessment. We also ensure that their personal needs like grammar and vocabulary are supported.
#5 Students receive individual feedback. We mark student’s writing and speaking responses.
See more about our Year 11 HSC Japanese tutoring
In Year 11, we aim to finish learning all HSC grammatical structures and Kanji characters.
Students can expect:
- Revision quizzes
- Vocabulary and kanji sets
- Sample questions on speaking, reading and writing
- Individual feedback on their work
- Support for school assessments
In Year 12, students focus applying the language and refining examination techniques to prepare for school assessment.
Students work on:
- HSC examination strategies including ways to study for reading, listening, writing, speaking
- Sophisticated language and text types
- Speaking skills
- Cultural knowledge
We will prepare students for both the prescribed text and issues study (essay and monologue).
Students can expect:
- HSC examination strategies
- List of vocabulary and kanji for different issues and subtopics
- Sample model responses and translation activities
- Individual feedback
- Support for school assessments