Tips for choosing the best HSC tutors in Sydney

Tips for choosing the best HSC tutors in Sydney

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The HSC is the culmination of a student’s high school experience. With extracurricular commitments combined with numerous subjects to study, it can certainly make a lot of work to handle. With help, this balancing act can become a lot more manageable. 

In today’s post, we will detail exactly how to choose the best HSC tutor so that you are able to smash this HSC year with confidence!

So, let’s get started!

Considerings when choosing your HSC tutor

1. Self-managed independent tutor or an organisation?

The first question that needs to be answered is whether you choose to go with a self-managed independent tutor like a friend’s older sibling or an organisation that manages tutors.

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Independent tutors are skilled individuals who manage their own schedules and students.

Option 1: Self-managed independent tutors

  • Flexibility

Independent tutors are often more flexible with their schedules. If students only want a lesson before exam blocks or want to take time off during assessment periods, that arrangement is accepted depending on the tutor.

  • Searching for a tutor is the family’s responsibility

Finding a tutor who is the perfect fit for the student can cost a lot of money by the time you add up all the trial lesson fees. The process can also be extremely time-consuming and with time already being a precious resource during the HSC, this can add unnecessary stress onto the student. 

  • Cancellation of lessons

The biggest disadvantage is that too often private tutors cancel lessons or leave without much, if any, warning. This may be because of illness, holidays, exam blocks, a move interstate or overseas. Ultimately, this means that families will have to find new tutors on their own which may be time and energy consuming. This could be especially disastrous if the student has an upcoming exam or test, resulting in unnecessary stress and worry. 

So that’s self-managed independent tutors, what about an organisation?

Option 2: An organisation that managers tutors

Organisations can be coaching schools that have a physical location or companies who manage private tutors and the searching, screening, managing of tutors are all taken care of. 

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  • Organised

An organisation provides a system for scheduling and enrolment processes that are reliable. All the administration is handled by the organisation themselves, removing the added work that private tutors can sometimes create. If the student’s usual tutor is away, the organisation will find a replacement quickly. 

  • Already screened tutors

With so many private tutors available nowadays, it raises the question of whether they have the relevant qualifications and experience to teach their students. Too often, additional time is spent in conducting a background check of the tutor when the process could be entirely skipped by an organisation. At YK Education, tutors have received top bands in their teaching subject and also trained extensively on teaching methods that are backed by research to ensure effective teaching.

  • Consistency and stability

As tutors of an organisation are managed, the stress of private tutors cancelling lessons at the last minute leaving you in the lurch is relieved. An organisation works with several tutors of which any are able to seamlessly fill the cancelled lessons.

2. Group tutoring or private tutoring? - Is the learning environment suited to your child?

The next question is whether students would prefer group or private lessons. You would find that both self-managed individual tutors and organisations have options for group and private tutoring. Both offer their own unique advantages and disadvantages which can greatly help or hinder your progress during the HSC. 

Option 1: Private tutoring

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Tutoring lesson is customised for the student and the environment emphasise a close relationship between tutor and learner.
  • Strong relationship between student and tutor

Private tutors offer a closer bond with students and develop a personal approach that can help them better understand the content. Compared to a group setting, private tutors develop a more personal relationship and environment that encourages students to ask questions they otherwise wouldn’t ask. In many ways, this then feeds into their intrinsic motivation to study the subject. A child will find the subject matter more enjoyable, which encourages studying. 

  • Customised program (Pace and order of topics)

Private tutors have the added benefit of having the flexibility to develop a program that follows the same order of topics as the student’s school. Since the order of topics taught is different depending on the school, private tutors can focus on the gaps in the knowledge which results in improving a student’s confidence and self-esteem with the subject. The benefits of this can be long-term and there is a greater potential for the student to achieve higher results. 

  • Varying levels of teaching structure in the lesson

Private lessons can be overly student-centred which means the lesson is dictated by what the student “thinks” they need help rather than objectively assessing what they actually need. As a result, lessons can become unstructured with most of the lesson becoming a session to work through textbook questions which may or may not be beneficial for the student.

  • Lack of healthy peer pressure to complete homework

Especially for students who seem to not complete their weekly homework, being part of a community and feeling a healthy amount of peer pressure can be beneficial. Seeing other students complete their homework and progress through the content becomes a great motivation for some individuals.

Option 2: Group tutoring

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Lesson is taught with multiple students in the classroom.
  • A healthy level of competition and motivation in group settings

Well for one, an organisation typically offers group lessons, which creates a sense of community and a healthy level of competition that motivates students to achieve high academic results. In comparison to private tutors, an organisation can help foster an environment that allows for new academically like-minded friends with whom you can study together outside of tutoring. 

  • Structured programs, consistent, and well resourced

An organisation provides structured programs that your child can find confidence in knowing what topics will be covered for the entire term. The programs are consistent, informed based on the needs of the student. It’s not only the program that helps the student, but also the wealth of resources that ensures there are no knowledge gaps.

  • Physical study space

Organisations provide study areas for students to use so that they feel more motivated to study compared to at home. Often alternatives to these study areas are libraries or cafes but these places may come with a number of distractions. For some students, what may have been originally intended as 2 hours of study turns into no study done as the procrastination adds up. 

  • Meeting the needs of individual students

Depending on the schools in NSW, the order of the topics that Maths is taught differs slightly and English prescribed texts can be different too.

However, group lessons typically centre lesson content on a schedule and pace that is predefined to target the majority of students. The class sizes that some organisations offer are for 15-20 students which don’t provide the same benefits for all students. Some students may excel with such a class size, feeling comfortable in interacting with their peers and tutor in a social environment. Others, however, may not and feel uncomfortable in contributing or asking questions in front of others. It would be a good idea to ask whether there is a procedure to assist students who fall behind to avoid the downward spiral where the student could lose motivation and focus to study.  

As you can see, the learning environment for individual students is crucial to maintain motivation and to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Option 3: YK Education – The Bridge Between Private tutor and Group tutor

YK Education is an organisation run by an NSW qualified high school teacher that offers a combination of private (up to 2 students) and group tuition so families can avoid the headaches of searching for the perfect tutor for the student.

Meet The YK Education Team

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  • A customised curriculum for the individual’s needs and developing a personal connection

YK Education takes into account the advantages of private and organisation tutoring, offering a curriculum that follows the school’s order of topics. The curriculum and lessons are adapted to suit the student’s current level whether they need to revise previous topics for an assessment or go one topic ahead. In any case, the students will always receive individualised attention and form strong bonds with our private tutors that motivate them to reach their academic best.


  • Structured programs and well resourced

Our programs consider the individual student’s needs, the order of their school topics, and NSW syllabus requirements. Once the student has a solid foundation, the program is structured 2 weeks ahead of school so that the student is ahead of classroom content, and can solidify their knowledge when learning it for the second time at school. Rest assured, YK programs are well resourced to ensure all bases have been covered with the topic including theory and exam-style questions.


  • Sense of community and motivation with peers in group workshop lessons

Every time you enter YK, there is a palpable sense of community where each tutor and student has genuine care for each other. It is a family that motivates each other, which is especially true in our group workshop lessons where we share each other’s successes in a safe learning environment.


  • A study space and flexibility of online lessons

YK education has a wonderful study space that is conducive to learning. You can be confident that your child will always look forward to their lessons at YK, and appreciate the areas specifically designed for studying. COVID-19 has also meant our adaption to online lessons, which can offer an added flexibility for the student to take advantage of. 

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3. Other considerations

Consideration 1: What resources does the private tutor or tutoring centre offer?

The short answer: it depends. 

Some private tutors simply work off whatever school textbook students may have and provide the occasional additional resource. Other private tutors may use the student’s textbook and other resources equally as required. 

On the other hand, organisational tutoring provides its own resources which would already have key information summarised and that often saves time for the student. They would have a range of exam-style questions to help students prepare for exams.

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At YK, the theory book and exam-style questions are provided so students are exposed to a variety of Maths questions. Content taught is set to align with their school’s scope and sequence, with any upcoming assessments readily accounted for in our lessons. We ensure that the student is best able to tackle any test or exam they will face. 

Consideration 2: Do all tutors know how to teach effectively for the individual student?

In an ideal world, we hope that all tutors can teach students equally as well. As the saying goes, however, some are more equal than others. 

It would only seem natural that the tutors who have achieved a 99.95 ATAR will be able to teach well. These tutors may have good memory, strong study skills, high degrees of knowledge, and an infectious positive mentality but if it is unable to be passed on to the student, then it could be a waste of valuable time and effort. 

It is important that the tutor has been trained in effective teaching. In doing so, the lessons are not overly student or tutor centred meaning that the student or tutor completely dictates the pace and content taught. Rather there is a mediation between the two which works extremely well for the student to learn and understand the content so they can readily tackle any school topic.

Most organisations will advertise their individual tutors, their relevant qualifications and a certain teaching methodology. See the methodology, style and quality of the tutors. Then, determine whether the tutor is the best fit for you. Tutoring is not a one size fits all approach!

– University students or school teachers as a tutor?

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A current school teacher who has been working full time at school with HSC marking experience is the best tutor that a student can have. However, these teachers are often difficult to find as they are unable to find the time to tutor students.


A uni student on the other hand is able to develop a personal connection with students more easily, becoming an influential mentor that can share similar stories of struggle and stress at school. Uni students can help transform a previously negative mindset towards studying into a largely positive one which will be seen in the results. No doubt, however, they do tend to have less experience, resources and reliability if working alone. 


The best approach is a previous full-time school teacher who is up to date with the syllabus, leading a team of capable uni tutors. That way, both the experience and knowledge of a high school teacher is combined with the relationship forming ability and empathy of a uni tutor. 

Consideration 3: Do tutors provide academic support and coaching on students’ growth mindset and attitude?

Tutors are no doubt primarily providing the academic support that students need. Despite this, it is crucial that a tutor is able to improve a students’ mindset and attitude towards studying as well. Mindset and wellbeing are like invisible roadblocks for HSC students that if left unaddressed, can lead to major setbacks for not only academic performance but their overall mental health. Students need to find tutors or organisations that place equal importance on academic, mental and emotional support for the students. 

Read more here to find out more about mental health itself, and why it is so important a student is well. 

Summary: Tips for choosing the best HSC tutors in Sydney

So that’s it!

We have talked about five different areas you should consider when choosing the best possible HSC tutor for you. 

  1. Self-managed tutor or through an organisation that manages tutors?
  2. Private or group lessons: Does the lesson support the student’s needs? Is the learning environment suited to your child? 
  3. What resources do they have? 
  4. Do the tutors know how to teach effectively
  5. Do they only provide a combination of academic support and students’ mindset?

Our recommendation: An organisation with a combination of private and group lessons with trained tutors and resources that include exam-style questions. 

Ultimately, what defines an amazing tutor depends on your needs and who makes you feel most comfortable! Hope these tips for choosing the best HSC tutor helped! 

All the best!

Why YK Education?

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YK Education is led by Yuna, a qualified high school teacher who oversees a team of highly capable uni tutors. She understands the ever-changing demands of the HSC syllabus and together with her trained YK tutors, they endeavour to create the most conducive learning environment that offers exceptional academic support while preaching the importance of mental and emotional health for your child.

Yuna and her team of phenomenal tutors can help you better understand and tackle HSC Maths, English and/or Japanese so that you can ace that upcoming test. We offer personalised lessons that centre around not only you but also the HSC syllabus so that you can feel more confident in your schoolwork.

Find out more about us here

Not sure where to start? 

Give us a call on 0433 314 850 or email at and get started with our amazing HSC tutors. 

So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch today!

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